A big thank you to
Lori and
Cori Cole, who mentioned Pam briefly in their blog post on
Solving World Poverty. Back when Pam was young--which really wasn't too long ago--she was a fan of the Quest for Glory series of games, which inspired many of her earlier artwork. You can probably see how that has influenced her designs now, since much of her jewelry takes on a fantasy tone. She now works with Shiana as a driving force to create fair trade jewelery.
We were also recently mentioned in
October Webfind of Beekeeper's webblog, "What's in the Attic?"
Through the magic of Google, we've also found some other very nice blurbs:
The Lipstick PageBy Colleen Shirazi, a wonderful girl who created some nice Shiana items.
The Daily JewelBy Robyn Hawk, who promotes our message.
Word of mouth is always good, word of blog works wonderfully well too! Thank very much to everyone who has given us a boost. If you've recently blogged about Shiana, let us know! You can go to
http://www.shiana.com and use the contact form.